Monthly Archives: January 2017


Mid-term Evaluation of the RBM Resource Mobilisation Strategy (2012-2015) (October 2014)

In 2014, TMPC was asked to undertake an independent evaluation of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership’s Resource Mobilisation Strategy 2012-2015. This was originally developed by RBM to increase the funding of efforts to control and eliminate malaria in order to meet the targets set in the Global Malaria Action Plan. The report was presented to the RBM Board at its meeting in Bangkok in December 2014.

Mid-term Evaluation of the RBM Resource Mobilisation Strategy (2012-2015) (October 2014)2020-03-20T11:57:57+00:00

ISNTD D3 2015

In May 2015, Ian Boulton was asked to present on “Avoid Delays: Getting Deployment Right” at the International Society of Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD) D3 Conference. The D3 Conferences look at issues concerning the discovery and development of new drugs for NTDs, but the purpose of this presentation was to highlight the importance of planning early for the deployment of the drug, especially around the regulatory and production plans as well as the optimisation of the manufacturing process.

ISNTD D3 20152020-03-20T11:58:45+00:00
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