Articles, Presentations & Publications
RBM AMFM Landscape Paper (May 2012)
The Affordable Medicines Facility – malaria (AMFm) was an initiative piloted in Africa. Its main objective was to increase access to Quality Assured Artemisinin-containing Combination Treatments (QAACTs) through a co-payment mechanism. The co-payment was intended to reduce the end-user price of QAACTS to the same level as chloroquine or sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine. The pilot programmes ended in December 2012 and the Global Fund asked the Roll Back Malaria Partnership (RBM) to take leadership in planning for the transition in 2013 to the next phase of this initiative. The RBM Board discussed this issue at its May 2012 meeting.
The future of the Affordable Medicines Facility – malaria (AMFm) (December 2012)
At the end of 2012, Ian Boulton was asked to present his views on the results of the Affordable Medicines Facility – malaria (AMFm) at the 11th Assises Panafricaines de Lutte Contre le Paludisme (11th Pan-African National Malaria Control Programmes Meeting), sponsored and organised Sanofi, under the title:- Le devenir de l’AMFm: Bilan de la phase 1 et perspective – le modè le AMFm est – il viable sans les sources actuelles de financement? (The Future of AMFm: The Results of Phase 1 and Future Prospects – is the model viable without the current funding?)
AMFm Key Learnings (November 2013)
In 2012-2013 Ian Boulton was the project consultant for the Roll Back Malaria Affordable Medicines for malaria (AMFm) Task Force. A key deliverable from the work of the Task Force was a Key Learnings Summary. This was authored by Ian. It aims to inform malaria programme managers and decision makers of the lessons learnt since 2010 from implementing AMFm nationally in eight malaria programmes in seven countries: Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Niger, Nigeria, Tanzania mainland, Uganda and Zanzibar. It was published in both English and French versions.
CRIMALDDI Overview (Malaria Journal 2010)
“The Coordination, Rationalization, and Integration of anti-MALarial drug Discovery & Development Initiatives (CRIMALDDI) Consortium, funded by the EU Framework Seven Programme, attempted in 2009-2010, through a series of interactive and facilitated workshops, to develop priorities for research to expedite the discovery of new anti-malarials...
CRIMALDDI Recommendations (Malaria Journal 2013)
The Coordination, Rationalization, and Integration of anti-MALarial drug Discovery & Development Initiatives (CRIMALDDI) Consortium, funded by the EU Framework Seven Programme, attempted in 2009-2010, through a series of interactive and facilitated workshops, to develop priorities for research to expedite the discovery of new anti-malarials. Ian Boulton was the Project Leader for this initiative, responsible for facilitating the workshops as well as contributing to the development of the conclusions and recommendations. This is one of two papers published at the end of the project. It outlines the recommendations for the development of enabling technologies and the identification of novel targets.
CRIMALDDI Roadmap (Malaria Journal 2013)
The Coordination, Rationalization, and Integration of anti-MALarial drug Discovery & Development Initiatives (CRIMALDDI) Consortium has been a three-year project funded by the EU Framework Seven Programme. It aimed to develop a prioritized set of recommendations to speed up anti-malarial drug discovery research and contribute to the setting of the global research agenda. It has attempted to align thinking on the high priority issues and then to develop action plans and strategies to address these issues.
Global Fund
“Beyond Profit: More than Cash” (November 2013)
In 2013 TropMed Pharma Consulting were asked to study and report on the totality of the contributions made by the Private Sector to the work of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in the period 2011-2013. This piece of work looked at all types of contribution, not just cash donations to the Global Fund. A key finding was the significant contribution made by the Private Sector through research and development into new interventions (drugs, diagnostics, vector control, etc.), which dwarfs all the other contributions made.
Governmental Organisations
APLMA – supply side issues for antimalarial commodities (June 2014)
The Asia-Pacific Leaders’ Malaria Alliance (APLMA) is an affiliation of Asian and Pacific heads of government formed to accelerate progress against malaria and to eliminate the disease in the region by 2030. This paper was prepared to support the second meeting of the Access to Quality Medicine and other Technology Task Force in June 2014.
Evaluation of the Product Development Partnerships (PDPs) (January 2015)
In 2014 TropMed Pharma Consulting was part of a consortium who were asked by the UK and German Governments to evaluate the work of three Product Development Partnerships (PDPs) which they have been funding – FIND, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), and the European Vaccines Initiative (EVI) – over the period 2009-2013.
Roll Back Malaria
RBM Accountability Framework (December 2009)
Following the Roll Back Malaria Partnership (RBM) Change Initiative in 2006 and the quadrennial External Evaluation in 2009, the RBM Board established a Task Force to develop an Accountability Framework to guide the work and responsibilities of all the RBM Partners. TropMed Pharma Consulting was retained as the consultant to the Task Force.
Mid-term Evaluation of the RBM Resource Mobilisation Strategy (2012-2015) (October 2014)
In 2014, TMPC was asked to undertake an independent evaluation of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership’s Resource Mobilisation Strategy 2012-2015. This was originally developed by RBM to increase the funding of efforts to control and eliminate malaria in order to meet the targets set in the Global Malaria Action Plan. The report was presented to the RBM Board at its meeting in Bangkok in December 2014.
Presentations & Conferences
“Connecting the Chain” Forum (June 2006)
In 2006, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), and the Netherlands-African partnership for Capacity development and Clinical interventions Against Poverty-related diseases (NACCAP) organised a Stakeholder Forum on the challenges of treating poverty-related diseases. It brought together representatives from academia, industry, governments and non-governmental organisations to debate: “Connecting the Chain: Towards a comprehensive approach to delivering affordable medicines against poverty-related diseases”.
Global Health Diagnostics: Research, Development, & Regulation (December 2008)
In December 2008, Ian Boulton was asked to present on “A Private Sector Perspective” at an Academy of Medical Sciences Conference Global Health Diagnostics: Research, Development, & Regulation. Founded in 1998, the Academy of Medical Sciences is the independent body in the UK that represents the diverse spectrum of medical science – from basic research through clinical application to healthcare delivery.
ALMA Consultation on African-based Pharmaceutical Manufacture (May 2011)
In May 2011, the African Leaders’ Malaria Alliance (ALMA), the Global Fund, the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), and the Roll Back Malaria Partnership sponsored a Forum for Africa-based Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Potential Investors in Nairobi. It aimed to bring together manufacturers and potential investors or technical collaborators and facilitate communication between them, with the aim of stimulating the development of a world class pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in Africa.
Rapid Diagnostic Tests: the Private Sector (December 2012)
At the end of 2012, Ian Boulton was asked to present on malaria diagnosis in the private retail sector at the 11th Assises Panafricaines de Lutte Contre le Paludisme (11th Pan-African National Malaria Control Programmes Meeting), sponsored and organised Sanofi, under the title:- Mise à disposition des TDR dans le marché privé dans un contexte de T3; faisabilité, risques et opportunités? (Availability of RDTs in the private market within the context of T3, feasibility challenges and opportunities) This presentation built upon TMPC’s work on the Affordable Medicines Facility – malaria (AMFm) and the need to extend the use of diagnosis of malaria into the private market. This was also in the context of the launch of the World Health Organization’s “Test: Treat: Track” strategy for malaria.
ISNTD D3 2015
In May 2015, Ian Boulton was asked to present on “Avoid Delays: Getting Deployment Right” at the International Society of Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD) D3 Conference. The D3 Conferences look at issues concerning the discovery and development of new drugs for NTDs, but the purpose of this presentation was to highlight the importance of planning early for the deployment of the drug, especially around the regulatory and production plans as well as the optimisation of the manufacturing process.
Other Publications
Malaria RDTs in the Private Retail Sector
The Roll Back Malaria Partnership Case Management Working Group (CMWG) convened a workshop in April 2013 to review the current state of knowledge and lessons learnt about the use of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for malaria in the private retail sector. At this meeting, it was agreed to develop the findings into a paper that would put the available information into the public domain.
WHO Technical Consultation on Universal Access to Core Malaria Interventions in High-burden Countries (February 2018)
The WHO Global Malaria Programme convened a High-level Consultation on how to ensure universal access to core malaria interventions in high-burden countries in Geneva 12-15 February 2018. Ian Boulton acted as rapporteur for the meeting. The report that was issued was submitted to the WHO Malaria Policy Advisory Committee at its meeting 11-13 April 2018.